Thursday, October 29, 2015

To My 6 Month Old Son

Dear Baby Judah,

My precious little boy. You are six months old! You're halfway to your first birthday already. My heart is full of gratitude for you and the wonderful time we've had together so far. But my heart also aches for all the hours we spend apart.

You are just sooo adorable and a big boy now! With chunky monkey thighs, rolly-poly arms and the most kissable cheeks conceivable, your snuggles are the best. Your dreamy big eyes surprised everyone by turning brown like mommy's, instead of the famous Seely blue. But most everything else about you takes after Daddy, which makes you super handsome!
6 month old Sweetie Pie

Your face can instantly change from a serious stare to a wide grin that melts us all. You give your adoring sisters big smiles, especially when they jump and dance to make you laugh. You give mommy smiles and giggles when we get to talk. You have plenty of grins to share with your grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins. But I think you save your biggest smiles for Daddy. You two spend your days together and share a special bond. You are pretty much the center of Daddy's world right now, and he cares for you with attentive gentleness.

Mommy treasured our first months together, and it made me so sad when it came time for me to return to full-time work when you were just 10 weeks old. Even though I had to do the same thing with your sisters, it was not any easier this time. But I love walking in the door after work each day and kissing your puffy cheeks then cradling you every night in the rocking chair as you nurse before bed. Plus, I take you on all kinds of adventures when I have a day off and enjoy wearing you in our baby carrier.
Wearing baby Judah at Wallops Island with Uncle Aaron and Johanna

You have been so good to us. No illness. Rarely fussy or inconsolable. Healthy eater with some surprisingly loud toots! Of course your diet is still just mommy's milk and a little baby cereal, but we'll get into more interesting stuff soon. You don't seem to be in a rush.

You sleep well for the most part. Though you seldom allow me more than 4-5 hours of rest without waking at night, you usually fall right back to sleep after eating. You are rolling and wiggling all over now, and just starting to sit by yourself for a few seconds.

You are a priceless treasure. You bring healing to our family, both immediate and extended. So many love you and adore your chubby cuteness. We are indeed blessed by you, dear son.

With more love than I know how to express...


Here's a look at how you've grown...







Friday, October 16, 2015

The Pageant the news

Adria is in the news again! 

She had a wonderful experience at the Little Miss Apple Scrapple pageant last Friday. Though she did not win, Adria's confidence and performance on the stage made her parents and many fans proud.

The Seaford Star was kind enough to publish this little article I typed up late one night after Adria's pageant. I have to use my journalism degree and experience as a free-lance writer for this local paper once in a while ;)  
The article in the Seaford Star

Apple Scrapple Contestant leads a Beautiful Life with Spina Bifida

It took her a little longer to climb up the steps than the other eight girls, but when Adria Seely walked across that stage in front of a couple hundred spectators, she was full of confidence and smiles.

Friday night was the 10th annual Little Miss Apple Scrapple Pageant at Bridgeville’s annual fall festival. Local girls ranging in age from 5 to 8 years old participated in the event, showcasing talent routines that included singing, dancing, hula hoop swinging and stand-up comedy.
Adria poses for me just before going on stage...after I saw that,
I knew she would be ok up there in front of the hundreds of spectators.
They announced each contestant and her hobbies and interests.

One of the shortest contestants was seven year old Adria Seely, who attends Woodbridge Early Childhood Education Center. This was the first time Adria has participated in an event like this, and it was quite an accomplishment for her to be able to get up on that stage and perform.

Adria was born with Spina bifida, a severe type called myelomeningocele, which involves the incomplete closure of the spinal cord early in pregnancy and leads to life-long challenges. Many children and individuals living with spina bifida are never able to walk, requiring a wheel chair for mobility. Adria was not able to walk until she was age two and then she required a walker to get around until age three. Now, she walks independently with only the support of Ankle Foot Orthotics (leg braces). She owns a wheelchair but only uses it rarely for longer distances.

Adria was both nervous and excited about the idea of being in the pageant but ultimately decided it was something she wanted to do. She began practicing a dance routine at home and on the night of the pageant, she danced to the song “It’s a Beautiful Life” by Ace of Base. Her performance ended with a spin and a bow, resulting in loud cheers.
Adria dances to "It's a Beautiful Life" - she remembered all her practiced moves and even finished with a twirl and a bow.

Most of the audience did not know there was anything unique about Adria’s beautiful life. But her presence on that stage was a testament to a life of perseverance and overcoming daily challenges.
October is Spina Bifida Awareness month. It is the most common permanently disabling birth defect and impacts individuals in many different ways beyond mobility. Most face issues with incontinence, learning delays, fluid on the brain, and a shorter stature due to under-developed leg muscles. They may require dozens of surgeries throughout their lifetime.

Adria has been fortunate in many ways, but she realizes that she does have differences from her school friends. And even though she did not win a crown or any roses at the pageant Friday night, her positive attitude and confidence on that stage made an impression and should serve as encouragement to differently abled families. Life may be tough but it still can be beautiful.

My parents were among the many family and friends who came out to support Adria

The winners announced! A sweet bubbly blond girl who boldly sang alone won the pageant.
Two of Adria's friends won the Talent Competition and Interview segment

Adria poses in her Party Dress after the pageant.
Mommy did not have time to curl and style her hair, since I got off work at 4:30 that day and she had to be there by 5:15! 

Proud mommy with her amazing girl.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

Big October events and Spina Bifida Awareness

Drama, drama, drama. Sometimes that's just life with two little girls. The slightest disturbance to their ideal world and there's a fit thrown or tears shed.

It must have been the adjustment of going back to school, but there was a LOT OF DRAMA in our house in September. And most of it seemed to come from very ordinary things.

Now that October is here, the girls have mostly adjusted to their school routine and made new friends. Daddy is enjoying his days with Judah. And Mommy is staying busy at work, while trying to find balance in home responsibilities and the fun stuff we do.

Last night, I took Adria out for our first Mommy-Daughter date in a long time. She has been asking me to go out just the two of us since before her birthday a month ago.
Mommy-daughter date last night

Adria and I had a great dinner together at Grotto Pizza, then headed to her pediatrician for her 7 year check-up. Unfortunately, we were the last appointment of the day and had to wait a looooong time. Our date ended with Adria spazzing out when they tried to give her a "Flu mist" vaccine in her nose. I thought it would be better than a shot! Drama indeed. She was sad that was all we had time for, but she's got more to look forward to in October

We have some BIG STUFF planned for the next two weeks!

Apple-Scrapple Pageant

Tomorrow night, Adria will be doing something very new for all of us. She will be participating in a little pageant for girls age 5-8 at our town's fall festival called Apple-Scrapple. The weekend event draws thousands but the pageant is only open to girls in her school district and is geared toward having fun while the girls learn confidence on stage.

Judges will interview the girls and then the girls will do a talent. Adria will be dancing to "It's a Beautiful Life" :)  She's been practicing, so we'll see how it goes!

When the sign up sheet for the pageant came home from school, I asked her if she was interested. At first, she was very nervous about the idea of being alone on stage in front of people (aren't we all?!). I tried not to push the issue too hard and let her know it was her decision. She said yes and now is both nervous and excited!

The Pageant is at 6:30 p.m. Friday night behind the Bridgeville Fire Hall. We'd love to see you there!
Adria practices her pose.

Children's Run and Half-Marathon

Next Friday will be a big day too! Both the girls will be participating in a Children's run in Pennsylvania. It's part of the Runner's World weekend of events that concludes with a half-marathon for adults on Sunday. I'm supposed to run that event but am very nervous because I have not been able to train for it well.

The girls will be running a half mile. Adria tries to practice for it when we can, and I'm hoping she'll be able to complete it. Last year, she showed us that she could complete a half mile race, even if she finished in last place. This year, she talks about wanting to WIN the race...

I don't want to tell her she can't win, but the reality is that she is not able to run as fast as most children because of her weak lower legs that require braces for support. I just try to encourage her to do her best when she is out there. I tell her there is no way mommy is going to WIN her race, but that we run at our own pace and finish the race when we can. That's our finish the Race!

October is Spina Bifida Awareness month

This makes for a very busy month for us, but I think it's very fitting that Adria participates in both of these events at this time. October is actually SPINA BIFIDA AWARENESS month!

Adria can show the community that in spite of the limitations and challenges that she faces with spina bifida, she can enjoy life and push the limits!

A couple weeks ago she told me, "Mom, I don't feel like a spina bifida kid. I'm like the other kids at school."  I was glad to hear her say that because I don't want her to feel different.

Then just two nights ago, after I catheterized her, she said, "Mom, I wish I was like the other kids at school who can just go potty without a catheter. And I'm the only one who has to wear braces on my legs. Sometimes I feel like I don't fit in."  Ugh, it's hard to hear her talk like that. I assured her that she has many wonderful friends and teachers at school, and I'm so proud of how well she does.

It's just like that. Some days are much better than others. You know, Drama comes and goes.

How I love this girl and pray that I'm doing the right thing by giving her the opportunity for these big events. Go Adria!