Saturday, December 22, 2018

Our 2018 Highlight Reel

No Christmas cards were mailed out from the Seely home this year. I usually send out over 100 cards with our smiling faces on them, but it just didn’t happen. And truthfully, I have no regrets. But sorry if you missed getting one.
Our Family at the Spina Bifida Assoc. Christmas Party

Instead, I’ll spend a few minutes spewing out some thoughts about our year, if you care to know how 2018 panned out in this house.

We started off the year with the girls trying something new and both taking a gymnastics class, which they really enjoyed. This fall Johanna went back to gymnastics, but Adria really wanted to take a martial arts class so she’s trying that out…and looks totally adorable in her white uniform.

Adria turned 10 in September! And just like that, we are officially parents to a child in the double digits. She continues to amaze us with her hard work, determination and spirit. She is a straight A student in her 4th grade class, and this year was accepted into the Gifted and Talented Program at her school. And let me tell you, they have some seriously challenging assignments in that class, but it’s given her the opportunity to stretch herself and I see a budding writer in her. #proudmama
Adria in her martial arts outfit

Just a couple weeks ago, we had the opportunity to become part of the Spina Bifida Association of the Eastern Shore (Maryland) and participate in their annual Christmas party. What a wonderful experience for Adria to meet so many others, including several girls her age, who were also born with Spina Bifida. They enjoyed crafts, food and gifts from Santa while the parents feasted on a delicious meal. Adria keeps asking when we can get together with them again J

Johanna recently celebrated her 7th birthday with a few of her “Besties”. Our spunky, fun and sensitive little girl makes friends wherever she goes with her bubbly personality. We’ve enjoyed watching her grow and learn to read in first grade, where she also earned straight A’s the first marking period. So thankful for wonderful teachers at the local public school! The girls are both riding the bus to and from school for the first time this year, so that’s been helpful in getting them to school on time (cough) and mommy getting to work early more often.
Judah is ready for Christmas!

Judah is growing fast and this 3 year old spends much of his time playing with trains, trucks, dirt, water, and balls. Total boy and Daddy loves it. They continue to have a special bond, spending their days together while the girls are away. Judah does go to preschool in Milford two days a week in a class with six boys and a girl. He loves his big sisters, especially messing with them while they're playing or coloring.

Adrian celebrated a milestone birthday, turning 40 in November. His birthday wish was to have all his siblings in town together, and it came true! They came from British Columbia, Texas, Ohio and locally so the 7 of them ate dinner together at his parent’s table for the first time in 11 years. So special!
In November, Adrian turned 40 and we
celebrated 15 years of marriage.

Another big milestone came on Thanksgiving Day, which was also our 15th Wedding Anniversary. We actually celebrated it in October when we took a week-long trip to Maui, Hawaii (without the Kids)! It was a long flight, but a beautiful place where we experienced many exciting things. My first helicopter ride over the island of Molokai literally took my breath away, and a couple’s zip-lining adventure had us laughing through the air in the rain and posing with rainbows. With this trip, Adrian has now officially been to all 50 of the United States of America!!!

I completed my third full marathon while in Maui. And those were the most difficult 26.2 miles I’ve run/walked yet… Though I had trained for months, I was not prepared for the trifecta of Heat, Hills, and Humidity along the lovely Pacific coast. It took me an hour longer to complete than my other 2 marathons, but I crossed that finish line on my own two feet and came in 250 out of 552 runners! I continue to run 5K races and just posted my best time ever of 26:15.

Getting ready to run in Maui
It’s been an interesting year for me in new home sales with lots of activity some months and very little others, but it looks like I’ll finish 2018 with a strong December. I recently sold my largest home in 11 years of doing this and am excited to see it built with great views of a Delaware bay!

One other major event happened earlier this year; on February 20 my amazing Dad went into cardiac arrest and we briefly lost him. It was a frightening time, but our community came together in prayer and support and Dad miraculously recovered. We are thankful beyond words.  Then in July, Dad and Mom were able to celebrate their 40th Anniversary.

It was another year full of life, love, struggle, laughter and tears. And we are thankful for it. And for YOU sharing with us in it.


A beautiful sunset on the Pacific that we experienced in Maui

Helicopter ride over Molokai island

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Feeling the Love for my Daughter

Adria's 3rd Grade picture - Spring 2018

Truth is, I don't usually think of myself as a parent of a special needs child. Adria is nine years old. She is growing into a beautiful, independent young lady who is so determined and capable.

But there are times when I become keenly aware of her differences. On several occasions this year, these times are precious moments when individuals display an extra special level of care and concern for her well-being.

Let me explain.

Adria is a third grader in a typical classroom setting at our local public school and does not require any special academic assistance. WooHoo!!! She excels in her classes, getting straight A's on her report card, except for a B in Reading the second marking period.

She does receive specialized physical therapy services at school due to her orthopedic impairment (low muscle tone in her legs and need for leg braces), which is very typical in spina bifida children. Adria also goes to the nurse's office every day after lunch to care for her bathroom needs. It's incredible to see how much she's progressed over the last year or so, because now she can catheterize herself without any assistance. Again...WooHoo!!!

The point is, in most ways she functions as many other students but there are still those areas of uniqueness.

The Scooter

Early in the school year, Adria's teachers noticed that she was lagging behind on the walk from her classroom to the playground. It's a decent distance and she was getting fatigued. She has a wheelchair, but we keep that at home and want to encourage her walking as much as possible.

Her gym teacher at the school came up with a great idea to help Adria. She suggested this scooter that she thought Adria might be able to use as a fun and faster way to get to the playground. Of course I was on board with trying it.
Adria's gym teacher got her this scooter to use getting from her classroom to the playground faster. She loves it!

Next thing I know, they ordered the scooter and Adria was coming home from school telling us how much she loved it! Then they took it to another level, so that Adria would not be alone. They bought a second scooter that a friend can use to ride along with her to the playground. Both scooters stay in her classroom and when it's time to go to recess, Adria draws names to see who will help her and ride with her that day.

I just think that's so great and thoughtful. All this initiated by people around her who care. Thank you!

The Cheer Shoes

Outside of school, I was moved by the care of someone who had just met Adria. At the beginning of January, I decided to try something new with the girls, especially since Johanna had been asking about it for a long time, and I signed them up for Gymnastics.

Honestly, I was kind of concerned about how it would go for Adria and how she'd respond. To my delight, she absolutely loved the first class and tried her best with gusto! In fact, Johanna was the one standing in the corner frustrated that she could not do a cartwheel and not even trying for a while. Oh, such different personalities those girls have!

The challenge was that Adria does not have the ankle and foot strength to run around and do activities barefoot like the other children. However, regular sneakers could damage the soft mats and gym equipment. The instructor, known as Mr. Pickle, at The Little Gym was impressed by Adria's desire to try gymnastics and took it upon himself to research and make several phone calls to determine the best option for her to be able to participate. He found that cheer shoes are a type of sneaker with rounded edges that she could where with her braces in the Gym. We went to Shoe Show and found a good pair for her!

Adria tries out the balance beam with assistance at The Little Gym. Her cheer shoes make this activity possible!

For the last few months, she has been enjoying her Gymnastics class every Monday night and Johanna has come to love it too. They are still figuring out how to do a cartwheel, but they've both shown great improvement and confidence to try new things.

So Thankful

I am just so thankful for these caring individuals along with so many others who show love to our daughters and family. This past week was Teacher and Nurse Appreciation Week. Both Adria and Johanna have had wonderful teachers and nurses again this year at school.


Johanna's Kindergarten school picture - Spring 2018

Tuesday, March 6, 2018

The Day my Dad's Heart Stopped

People say it. Don’t take loved ones for granted, you never know when it’ll be the last time you see them.
My Mom and Dad looing good on Friday, March 2,
two days after he came home from hospital.

It was two weeks ago Monday night when I called my Dad, after taking the girls to their gymnastic's class. He told me about their busy weekend visiting my sister and family in Vermont – a funeral, a basketball game, a birthday party and more. He sounded happy but tired. They had just gotten home around 6:00 that night.
I asked him what they were doing the upcoming Friday night. Would they feel up for hosting a sleepover with all 6 of their grandkids??? My sister was planning to come down for a few days of the kid’s winter break. He chuckled and asked Mom. Dad said, “Judah too? Yeah, yeah we could try that and see how it goes.” He treasures his grandchildren, who are ages 2-11 with tons of energy and personality.

That conversation would replay in my head for the next few days, as I wondered if it would be the last time I ever talked to my Dad.
Early the next morning on February 20, my Dad’s heart stopped beating.

I had just returned from a 5 mile run and was getting ready for work, when I got the news. My husband walked in with an awful look on his face. “Cam called, your Dad went into cardiac arrest!”

Many of you have experienced a moment like this. When you get that awful news that makes it hard to even function. To breathe. Yet you must.
As I ran out the door, my daughters were worried about what was happening. I just said, “Grandpa is sick and needs mommy’s help.” I was so afraid they might not see him again… I drove to my parent’s house, praying and trying not to freak, trying to drive safe, calling my sister.

In the distance I saw their home. Emergency vehicles crowded the driveway. I drove up on the lawn and ran inside. Police officers, EMTs and other responders were everywhere inside.
“Where’s my Dad? How’s my Dad?” They looked at me. I could see in their eyes, it was not good.

Mom stood helpless in the foyer. “He had a heart attack,” she said with numbness and fear. They asked us to step back, “You shouldn’t see him like this,” an officer said as the emergency personnel struggled to carry my Dad down the steep flight of stairs.
Mom, my brother Cameron, and I huddled in a circle and cried as they loaded Dad into the ambulance. The neighbor and first responder, Philip Schrock, told us he had a heart rhythm and was breathing but it was weak. And they were off.

As I waited for Mom and Cam to get dressed, I called Dad’s only sister, my dear Aunt Bon. She shrieked and immediately left work. I called my youngest brother Aaron. Then I quickly shared a public plea on Facebook, “Pray for my Daddy!!! Just had a heart attack.” And you did. Hundreds of you responded.
At the Nanticoke hospital ER, they sent Mom, Cameron and I to a private waiting room. Our numbers gradually increased as family, pastors and a few friends arrived. We waited and sobbed. We prayed.

Dr. Ferber came to the door. It’s hard to recall exactly what he said, but basically that Byron had gone into cardiac arrest and his heart went into a type of arrhythmia that is often the final beats of the heart before death. They had to shock his body twice with a defibrillator to get his heart beating again before leaving the house. His heart stopped again in the ambulance, so they shocked him a third time on the way to the hospital.
The doctor said that it was largely the quick response calling 911 and beginning chest compressions that made the difference of Dad still having a heart beat.

My Dad, sedated in the ICU the day
of his cardiac arrest

You see, mom had awaken around 7:30 a.m. to a blanket being tossed over her. She then saw Dad’s eyes were rolled back and he wasn’t breathing right. Immediately, she yelled for my brother Cameron to call 911. As he was on the phone, they instructed him to take Dad off the bed and begin chest compressions. Within minutes, the neighbor Philip was there responding to the call and took over giving CPR. They saved Dad’s Life.
Around 9 a.m. at the hospital, Dad was sedated and his heart was beating but less than half the strength it should. They would take him to ICU and begin hypothermic treatment that would cool his body to 91 degrees, decreasing the oxygen needed for the body to recover and reducing the risk of brain damage. At this point, they could not tell if he’d had a stroke or if there would be brain injury. Noone knew what to expect, but this was the best they could do for him…

We stayed at the hospital all day. People came to comfort and support. We totally took over the ICU waiting area. Would our Dad make it? How long would it take for him to come back to us? Would he be able to talk, to walk? So many unknowns.
And then it happened. To our amazement and absolute delight, just two days later on the morning of February 22, 2018 Dad opened his eyes. Talk about a moment of sheer joy and hope!!!  
Mom and my sister Lilli cry tears of joy as they see Dad's eyes opened on Feb. 22.

I was at the hospital with my Mom, husband and all 3 siblings. What tears of relief were shed!

The other day, my Mom and Dad told me that it was on February 22, 1974…exactly 44 years before the day of his awakening…when my Father became a Christian, asking Jesus to be his Lord and Savior. Amazing. Mom calls it MIRACLE DAY!
My husband was a faithful supporter to mom and dad during his hospital stay.
Adrian would stay there for hours some days while I had to go to work.
The following Tuesday, my Dad improved enough to have an operation for a Biventricular ICD a.k.a. a pacemaker on his heart. And the next day, Dad came Home!
My Dad weeps as he hugs my three little ones,
his grandchildren, on the day of his homecoming.

During the 9 days that he was in the hospital, I provided daily updates of his progress on Facebook, he had dozens of visitors, friends brought food and cleaned my parent’s home, and hundreds…maybe thousands…of prayers were lifted on his behalf. An entire community network was lifting us all up.
Especially the Sunday after his cardiac arrest, when my older sister experienced a serious fainting incident at church, likely stress induced, that resulted in paramedics arriving on the scene and her being transported to the same hospital where Dad was recovering. They treated her for a few hours in the ER, then she came to stay at my house for the night.

So it’s official, my Dad and sister Lillian have joined the “Fall Down. Up Again” team!!
What exactly caused my Dad’s cardiac arrest is unknown, but they suspect that his heart had been weakening for years. My Dad has been a plumber for 36 years, crawling in damp spaces under homes and breathing in potent glues. He has struggled with coughing fits and bouts of bronchitis over the years that likely put extra strain on his heart. The doctors say the prognosis looks good with his pacemaker now.

He is one of the fortunate ones, they said. Almost 95% of people who experience the severity of cardiac arrest that my Dad endured, do not get a second chance. And when they do, it’s rare to come through it with relatively little permanent damage.
He has diet and lifestyle changes to embrace, along with rehab and physical therapy. His biggest challenge since being home is the pain in his chest from a cracked rib, which is the result of the CPR and fairly common. He is emotional and overwhelmed with gratitude for the support and still appreciates your prayers.

My Dad, Byron Outten, is the best father a girl could hope for, he has an incredibly generous spirit and is known for being there to support people in their final hours. He is great man of God, and we are so Thankful that he is still here to spread more love.
Now that he’s healing, I can tease him, “Was the idea of having all six of your grandchildren spend the night that overwhelming??? You didn’t have to go and have a heart attack!”

With my Dad on Tuesday, February 27, the day he got his
pacemaker and a week after his cardiac arrest

My mom, Lorna Outten, read this verse the day after Dad’s cardia arrest when he was still sedated….

Psalm 41:1-3

“Oh, the joys of those who are kind to the poor! The Lord rescues them when they are in trouble. The Lord protects them and keeps them alive. He gives them prosperity in the land and rescues them from their enemies. The Lord nurses them when they are sick and restores them to health.”