Wednesday, April 9, 2014

One of Those Days

Today has been one of those days, especially for Daddy. A day when life seemed determined to be frustrating.

It started early when he had taken the girls outside for some play time this morning and then CRACK, Adria's leg brace broke right along the ankle. If you saw our last post, you know that she had just broken her normal brace at the heel. We will be waiting another week for the new pair of DAFOs (Dynamic Ankle Foot Orthotics) to arrive, so we were trying to make her old pair work. They had a small crack that Daddy had taped, but apparently that wasn't good enough. Again it was on the left foot, and the crack nearly broke it in half!

Broken DAFO

Adria's broken brace

Daddy tried to reach me at work, but I was in the middle of two hour meeting reviewing our cabinet and flooring offerings. He wanted to discuss Adria's braces and her options before trying to send her to pre-school, but I took too long to get back with him. He ended up keeping Adria home, since she has very limited mobility in public without her braces. She can walk some, but easily falls and could injure herself.

I called her orthotist (brace maker) to see if he could offer a temporary fix. He said they would try to rush our order, and we should have the new braces by mid next week. He could try to weld them together at their Wilmington location in AI DuPont Children's hospital, but there's no guarantee that would work.  We decided to try the Daddy Fix-it route for now and hope they can hold up for the next week! We'll just keep her out of the braces when we can.

brace fix

That was just one thing. Then there was Daddy trying to work on an issue with our car that became extremely difficult. With Adria staying home from school, the girls seemed agitated at the change in routine and were extra temperamental. There were many other challenges that don't need to be detailed, and of course this all happened on a day when I had to work late.

Once I got home the dinner I had planned did not go at all as planned, but it still worked out. We needed to run to Milford to pick up some prescriptions and a few other things, but as we were preparing to leave, Adria started having some bowel trouble. We took care of her but didn't leave the house until late. About 45 minutes later when we were walking around the store, Daddy smelled something terrible. It was Adria. Her bowel issues had returned... and Mommy was clear on the other side of Wal-mart. Eventually he found me and I took her to the bathroom to get cleaned up.

It was almost 9 p.m. by the time we headed home, which meant it was past 9:30 before the girls got to bed. Much later than we like.

Finally, we settled on the couch for some quiet and rest. I had just gotten ready to type up a blog, when I heard a cough and cry followed by a desperate plea for "Mommy!" I went in the girls' room to find Johanna, her pillow, and the blankets covered in milky puke. (Forgive me, I know this is nasty, but sometimes you've gotta be real about parenthood!) This is the second day in a row our poor little girl has vomited for no apparent reason. We are getting concerned because it's not like a normal stomach bug, and she's had an unusually decreased appetite lately.

So there was no rest for the weary. While I quickly hoisted Johanna out of bed and into the tub where her troubles continued, Daddy came and began clean-up in the room. All the bedding was impacted by this incident, and Adria had to get up too since they now share a bed. There was nothing pleasant about the experience. As I washed the filth out of Johanna's hair and wondered what was troubling her, I was so thankful that I would not have to clean up the bed too. Even with this final blow on a very frustrating day, Adrian still stepped in and cleaned it all up and made up the bed with fresh sheets. I owe him!

Now the washer full of the soiled sheets just stopped running, and I can put them in the dryer. Time for some rest. Tomorrow is another day.

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