Sunday, September 8, 2013

5 Years Ago today we met our first Princess

Happy 5th Birthday, Adria!

After my scheduled Sept. 2 C-section had been delayed for baby's lungs to mature, we anxiously awaited word from the doctor on a new time for the operation. They found a spot to squeeze me into the busy Operating Room schedule at Christina Hospital and we were set to go for Monday, Sept. 8 at 3:30 p.m.

Pregnant mommy outside the maternity entrance to Christiana Hospital the day Adria was born!

We had kept her name a secret until the moment of her birth - 3:58 p.m. Welcome baby Adria Mychelle!

Here is my personal account of that day from my journal:

She came out with lots of dark hair and very purple with very cute little whimpers. I was lying on my back, arms stretched out perpendicular to my body on either side with almost no feeling from my chest down and an oxygen mask around my nose and mouth. Adrian sat close by in the OR, touching me reassuringly as about 7 doctors and nurses poked, prodded, cut and sewed me to deliver out little girl.

Once out, she was quickly put into the hands of about 5 neonatologists (high risk pediatricians) who cleaned her up and got all the vital stats before taking her back to the NICU.
Our little girl is a beautiful 6 lbs. 15 oz., 19 in. long daughter.

Naturally, I couldn't hold back the emotion as I saw my baby girl for the first time. Tears continued to fill my eyes as I watched them work on her - How amazing this new life that formed inside me!

They wheeled her close so I could get a better look before they took her away, but I did not get to touch her. It was not until almost 9 p.m. that night before I saw her again.
After I spent several hours dozing in the recovery room and saw both my parents and Ade's parents, Adria was wheeled back into my room. Daddy had been by her side for a while in the NICU, and he was with her when she came in, lying on a baby-sized incubator bed, getting ready to be transported to AI DuPont Hospital.
She was so adorable and innocent lying there on her stomach with several tubes and IVs. Again tears flooded my eyes as I spoke to her and had a chance to reach out and touch her soft skin and hair, barely taking notice of the covered leision on her back.

As soon as I started talking, she began to wail... A precious, desperate cry that said, "Mommy, I know that's you. Please hold me, protect me, feed me!" And oh how badly I wanted to!
We had a few minutes together touching and crying before she had to go. Goodbye my sweet, little one.

Right now, she is at AI DuPont under the skilled hand of pediatric neurosurgeon Dr. Benjamin Warf. He is going to perform the spina bifida closure surgery on her. Daddy was with her most of the day, talking to her and trying to comfort her. The doctors seem very impressed with how strong and spirited she is. They believe that she will do very well.

I have remained at Christiana Hospital today for my C-section recovery...(I'll spare you the personal details here) Mom and Dad have been here with me a lot, and I've really appreciated Mom's help.
Ade recently came back and brought with him a cute picture of Adria, taken at AI which a nurse decked up just for me!
That picture was so important to me over the next few days as I lay in a tiny hospital room without my baby. Christiana Hospital graciously gave me one of their only personal maternity rooms, so I would not have to endure sharing a room with another mom who was able to be with her newborn baby. It was not until four days later that I got to see Adria again.

I had to recover and she had to have her surgery. I never actually got a good look at her spina bifida sac on her lower back. From the moment she was delivered, they put a sterile bag around her lower body to prevent any further damage to the exposed spinal cord.

That's ok though, it was only a part of her life outside mommy for one day and while it greatly impacts her life, my hope is that it will not define her life.

As she turns 5 today, I realize how incredibly blessed we are to have this little treasure in our lives. She speaks very well, walks like a champ and returns love with kisses and hugs. I know many parents with special needs children never realize some of these life milestones that other parents may take for granted.

I just have to give praise for our many blessings and thank you for your prayers.

Adria, mommy and daddy love you so very, very much!

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