Wednesday, March 26, 2014

Dear Winter: A Snowy Spring Day?

Dear Winter,

We have a memo for you: Go away, Spring is here! You have made us a little state full of complainers, as you repeatedly covered Delaware with blankets of snow these last few months, causing even the children to grow weary of snow days. And then you tricked us with a couple days of gorgeous, sunny weather when we all stepped outside like a colony of ants emerging from underground in search of food. But that was just a taste as you have dropped over 6 inches of snow on us TWICE since then. 


Last Monday:

Maybe if we lived in Minneapolis or Buffalo, we'd be more forgiving. But we do not. We are pansy Delawareans accustomed to just one or two small snowfalls each winter...not 20!

Really though, who am I to complain? I have an easy job working indoors. And by and large, the people I've sold homes too have been patient with any weather delays. It's really the construction workers who are getting the brunt of your fury.

You kindly held off yesterday's onslaught of snow until late afternoon, so I could go to my daughter's pre-school and share about my job in new home sales during Community Helpers Week. Even though I'm not a policeman, dentist or nurse like some other parents, her teachers thought helping people build new homes would fit in too. The children enjoyed picking out colors for siding and carpet, and we even built a make-shift home with large blocks.

Soon after, Winter, you started heavily dropping your snowflakes as we drove an hour north to Dover for a five year old girl's birthday party at Chuck E Cheese. Your snow did not keep this group of children from having a wonderful time! But you did not let up, for hours you dumped snow on us (and made the drive home rather treacherous).

Just as we were tempted to again complain, the little birthday girl said to her Mother, "Look, Jesus is giving me a special present for my birthday: SNOW!" Apparently, she loves the snow and this is her first birthday to ever get it. 

Okay Winter, we forgive you of this one spring snowfall. We now understand why you dropped snow on March 25. It was a special gift to a small princess. Very Sweet. But from here on out, how about we let Spring step in with the gift of beautiful daffodils, hyacinths and tulips? Your snowy white covering the earth is lovely, really it is, but let's change it up now with some color!

That is all. Thank you for your understanding.


Me (and Everyone in the Mid-Atlantic)

Photo taken last spring at Maymont Park in Richmond

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