Tuesday, September 29, 2015

The Mom Bod - 5 Months after Baby

It is a strange feeling to stand in front of a mirror and not recognize the body reflecting back at you.

That's how I've felt for much of the last year but especially these past five months. There are extra curves, rolls, lumps, jiggles...everywhere it seems. The truth is, I'm still carrying around about 20 pounds more than I did last summer before I became pregnant with Judah. You might not notice it as much, but the mirror and I understand.

Last year, I shared about being a "Not-so-Perfect 10" and right now, I really miss that body. Most of my clothes don't fit right...or at all. My 7 year old daughter likes to note how I look like I'm making another baby and how my thighs are so soft and chubby. Thanks for that.

But after all, I DID just give birth to my THIRD child 5 months ago! Yes, I am cutting myself some slack. And I am not exactly trying hard to lose weight. I still eat like a horse.

I laugh when people say, "Doesn't breast-feeding help you lose weight? I thought it burns a lot of calories."

Yes, it does help your uterus get back in shape. Fortunately, my baby gut did not stay huge for long but it's still very much there. Yes, nursing supposedly burns like 500 extra calories a day. But it makes you want to EAT at least those 500 more calories too!!! I am just as hungry now as I was 8 months pregnant!

I want to exercise. Really, I do. But for some reason.... I struggle to fit that in between a full-time job, mothering 3 young children, feeding my baby, keeping house, and trying to squeeze out some time with my husband.

And silly me, right after Judah was born I signed up to run a big race. A 13.1 mile half-marathon in fact. I'm supposed to do this in October - less than a month away. What was I thinking? That my children would all sleep perfectly through the night, and I'd pop out of bed by 6 a.m. to run 5 miles? Uh huh. Definitely delusional. At this point, it looks like there's going to be a lot of walking, but I still plan to finish that race.

But I know there are many moms who get where I'm coming from. It's interesting to see all the different ways women's bodies respond to childbirth and parenting. As you likely heard, the "Dad Bod" became a thing earlier this year, so here is my break-down of the different types of "Mom Bod":

  • Skinny Mom - pops out a baby and within a month or so puts on her pair of size 4 jeans with no problem. She's blessed with some ridiculous metabolism. She is really annoying to the rest of us, but we still love her. Hahaha! 
  • Huggable Mom - is a curvy lady and pregnancy just added to them with extra pounds that just won't go away. Baby is a toddler now. Or maybe a high school senior. The battle with weight loss has been real but it's okay because her family loves her comforting hugs. Hopefully, she embraces the beauty in the woman she is now.
  • Super-Fit Mom - carries her baby and holds onto baby weight for a few months. Then, she kicks into gear with the healthy eating program and work-out routine to get a buff body. We applaud her motivation and just ask that she please be gracious to those of us who don't have as much.
  • Everyday Mom - delivered a baby and her body will never be the same. It's softer and more jiggly and covered in freckles or cellulite, but it works just fine. It may not compare to Hollywood's post-baby bodies but that's perfectly okay. 
Hi, it's me. Just another Mom trying to love her babies and her body, no matter how they change.

Know this. No matter what your Mom Bod is, your children love you. Even if they pick on you (Adria). And whether you're curvacious or rail thin, being confident and loving your own body is more important than any number on a scale. 

In truth, I am very thankful for the healthy body that God has given me. And while I do enjoy being active, at this phase in my life that activity is more focused around my children than anything else.

Love yourself today. Whether you're a mom or not, embrace the beauty in the woman that you are. Is that cheesy enough for you? I'm for real, though.

Friday, September 4, 2015

First Week of First Grade

Adria made it through her first week of First Grade. I say "made it" because it's been a bit of an emotional week for her. At times she's been dancing with excitement and other times teary-eyed and fussy. There are many changes with First Grade, and our routine oriented little girl can struggle to adjust.

A couple weeks ago she kept saying how she missed Kindergarten and wasn't ready for First Grade. She was mostly concerned that she would miss all her friends and not know anyone. I reassured her that she would see many familiar faces, and in fact she's sitting beside one of her best buddies since pre-school in her class.
Adria at her desk during Wednesday's 1st and 2nd grade open house

It was easier for me this year because I knew more what to expect and that we had a plan for Adria's unique spina bifida related needs that would work. Last year, we really had to plan ahead with her teachers and the nurse to Prepare for Kindergarten.

First Day Drama

Despite her earlier fears, when it came time for her first day of school on Monday, August 31 this girl was ready! In fact, she did not even want Mommy to walk into school with her. She said, "I'm in first grade, so I know everything!"
First day of first grade

Well excuse me for trying to be a helpful mother on your first day :)  We got this little attitude in check, and I followed her to the cafeteria where we met up with her class and all the other first graders before walking back to her classroom.
Cafeteria full of first graders

She smiled happily and waved goodbye, ready for her new adventure. I knew she would be fine.
Adria waves goodbye with her classmates on Monday

That is, until we got a surprise call in the afternoon from the school nurse saying that Adria had 3 stinky accidents on her first day of school! She had to change her panties twice and then her entire outfit. I was so surprised and upset to hear this! Adria has not had bad accidents like that since we started her on the Peristeen program in December. I felt so bad she had to deal with that on her First Day of First Grade :(

In talking with the nurse, we determined looser bowels can be a side effect from the antibiotic (amoxicillin) that she is currently taking. Last week, Adria was diagnosed with strep throat (ugh!) before school started and has to take the medicine for 10 days.

That said, Adria did not seem bothered by the accidents and later just said she couldn't believe she had to change 3 times that day. Her biggest complaint is that I sent her to school in pull-ups the rest of the week to avoid this happening again while she's on the antibiotic. Wearing panties is a big deal for her...check out Panties are Priceless.

First Grade is Different

Adria does like school and has mostly enjoyed going back. But the "demands" of First Grade have been taxing on her this week, though I think she only shows it at home.

It's just different from her glorious Kindergarten days :)

  • New Classroom - One of the biggest differences is that Adria's new classroom is pretty much in the furthest corner of the school building. On one hand this provides her with great exercise to help build up her walking stamina, on the other hand the longer distances to the cafeteria, gym, etc. can be very tiring for her.
  • Later Lunchtime - The school food program is great and provides free breakfast and lunch for students. However, her lunch time is 40 minutes later than it was last year and our food-loving girl complains that it's such a "long time to wait for lunch." But really, lunch is at 12:10 p.m. and her teachers try to give them a mid-morning snack. She'll be fine.
  • New Teachers - Once again this year, Adria is in a classroom with two teachers. We requested that since we loved how well it worked last year. Her teachers are great and have been teaching at the school many years, and they already seem very impressed by Adria's abilities and confidence. Our girlie really bonded with her teachers last year, and I'm sure she will again this year.
  • More Reading and Writing - This will be the case every year, and she'll have to get used to it. We tried to keep her reading and writing over the summer, but I could have invested more time into encouraging her to write. She complains that her hand hurts from all the "coloring and writing." Haha! It's good for her.
  • New Friends - There are some familiar faces in her class and many new faces. I have no doubt that she'll be happily hugging all her classmates before too long. She's still a very social gal and when I walk through the school halls with her, many people say, "Hi Adria!"
  • New Potty Routine - This year, she is still going to the nurse's office before lunch every day to empty her bladder with a catheter. However, last year she laid on a bed while the nurse took care of everything. Now, she sits on the potty and is more involved in helping with the process, which is great! We've been doing this all summer, but still she wanted to go back to how it was done last year at school. 
One more difference, is that her little sister Johanna will get dropped off at school with her 4 days a week for morning pre-school. Both the girls are very excited about this! 
Mommy and her girls in uniform.
Johanna doesn't have to wear one but she wanted to be like sissy.

Johanna's first day was on Wednesday and apparently just her first two days wore her out good. She was asleep by the time I got home from work last night around 7:20 (it was a late night for me...), only waking up briefly to go potty then sleep all night. 
Don't be fooled by the shy face, she was super excited!

Johanna posing by her cubby at the pre-school open house Tuesday night.

It was a very busy week for us with first days of school and school open houses on different nights for the girls. We're all pretty exhausted and thankful that it was a short school week. Now, the girls have four days off, but I'll be working all weekend. At least I'll have off Monday for Labor Day!

There will be lots of changes and adjustments for us all this school year, and many of them good. Daddy is really enjoying more one-on-one time with his baby boy while the girls are at school. We are also appreciating the great support from both of our Moms, who are scheduled to pick up and help care for the girls several days a week. Grandparents close by is great!
Daddy and his little man

Here's to wishing you and your family a great 2015-2016 school year!