Yesterday, was one of those days. Before lunchtime a series of minor events stacked on topped of each other left me ranting over the phone to my unsuspecting husband.
1. Realized that I failed to pay 3 bills which are now late.
2. Totally forgot about 10 a.m. appointment at work because I was off previous 2 days, and was completely unprepared when he walked in.
3. Got a call from Adrian about a $1,000 medical bill that just arrived for something that was supposed to be covered by insurance months ago.
4. Watched Adria's school bus drive by without her in it. I thought her pre-school didn't start back until Monday!
This probably makes me sound like a completely irresponsible person, but it's not always like this (just more than I care to admit). I'm sure you have days when a bunch of small crap piles up and leaves you feeling...stupid or frustrated. Right???
Once I called Adria's school to confirm that yes, indeed, she was supposed to go back today, I called Daddy to say I'd step out from work and take her to school. Apparently, Adria had been flipping out about not getting to go to school.
And then I freaked over the phone to Adrian with something like this...
You know, I try so hard. I work hard to provide for my family but I can't always keep up with it all. How am I supposed to balance having a daughter with special needs, a husband who has seizures and can't work but get's no disability, working full-time on a commission job selling homes during what's been the freaking worst housing market ever, and then move around the country several times, all with Zero financial support from the government? It's just crappy sometimes and it's always an on-going fight with insurance and we can't ever catch up and...and...I'm sorry I just had to get it out.
He listened with empathy to my rant. It went on a lot longer than this, but you get the drift. Finally, I took a few deep breaths, calmed myself and went to take my daughter to school.
Adria was excited to be a "drop off" instead of a "busser" and joyfully greeted her friends with a "gorilla hug." The girls laughed and giggled as they ran around outside waiting for the teacher to come. Adria joins right in, though they run laps around her.
And then she fell down. Right on her bottom, but she kept laughing. Two little girls stopped and each one grabbed Adria's arms, then with ease pulled her up again. It was a brief but touching scene to this mama. And while I tried to hold back the tears, in that moment I was reminded that everything will be okay. We are not alone when we fall down.
This is an amazing little girl, our Adria.
Just moments later, a shy little boy walked up with his mom. He is a "chocolate" boy, as Adria says, and as I waved and watched them, my little girl ran to him and gave him a big gorilla hug. Though he didn't return the embrace, a big, shy grin snuck onto his face. The unabashed love of little children is precious to behold.
Then, I was thankful that this flaky mom forgot that school started today, so I had the chance to experience these moments.
And when I got the call a few hours later that my dad had been in a car accident, I quickly forgot about my petty "events" early in the day. Thankfully, he was okay but a horse had run in front of his work van after breaking out of the fence. The van and horse were both in bad shape, but my dad is just sore and a little shook up.
As I finish this, the girls are stirring and I can't wait to see how excited they will be about the fresh snowfall that came last night. No school for Adria today, but as long as she gets to build that snowman she's been talking about, I don't think she'll miss her friends too much.
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