Sunday, March 16, 2014

The SAHD Lifestyle

Some think that my husband has got it made being a Stay At Home Dad. Or House Husband. Or Mr. Mom. I prefer the term Full-time Dad. However you choose to define this lifestyle, it is a role that has become more common in recent decades, particularly since the recession forced families like mine to make some tough decisions.

We often see the acronym SAHM for Stay At Home Mom discussions, now there's one that's emerged for the Stay At Home Dad... and it's SAHD. I find that mildly humorous, knowing how tough it can be for these Dads.

Daddy loves his girls deeply and cares for them lovingly, but it is not easy. This has been Adrian's life most of the last 5 1/2 years. It can be a very lonely job. He does not have Daddy play dates to go to. He doesn't meet with moms for coffee or go to library story time. He stays home, basically all day, every day. His health issues have made driving the girls around for outings a near impossibility on his own.

But Daddy has found his own rhythm in this SAHD lifestyle. He takes it one day at a time.  Sometimes it has to be one minute or one breath at a time. I know some Stay at Home Moms who can relate.

He sets small goals for himself each day that can lead to bigger goals. He strives to achieve at least one major task aside from the daily duties of getting Adria ready for pre-school, feeding Johanna, and cleaning up whatever wild mess she made that day.

This week, he really impressed me. One day he cleaned out the interior of our mini-van from top to bottom (a daunting task). Another day he got down on hands and knees to scrub the kitchen floor. I came home to vacuumed floors and sparkling clean bathrooms on other days.

He might be embarrassed that I'm calling this out because he says it's just his job. Well, this working mom is endlessly thankful for all that he does! It makes my life easier and gives me more time at night to play with the girls.

Friday he texted me this picture of Johanna's favorite lunch that he had prepared for her. I just thought it was so adorable :) He says this is her preferred lunch every day, at least it's healthy!
Daddy prepares Johanna's favorite lunch - eggs, string cheese, fruit and tomato.

I know that being a stay at home parent can so often feel like a thankless role, but it is so significant. You are blessing your children and your spouse in the little goals that you achieve every day...even if you have to repeat the same goals week after week. YOU ARE APPRECIATED!!!

One day this week I was touched to see the special bond between Daddy and Johanna. I had the chance to stop by home and send off Adria on her pre-K bus. As we stood there and waved goodbye, Johanna ran to Daddy and snuggled close in his arms while the wind blew. Then she leaned in for some sweet Daddy kisses. It was adorable, even if she didn't feel like sharing any with Mommy.
Johanna Snuggling up close with her Daddy

She loves her Daddy!

Moments like that amidst the duties of every day are what help make the SAHD lifestyle worthwhile.

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