Monday, October 13, 2014

We Actually Went to Church

For the first time in almost two months, our little family of four attended our local church on Sunday morning. Maybe that sounds bad if you're a faithful church goer, but it is just the way of things right now.

As has been the case for the past seven years, I work most Sundays. This is not ideal, it's not something I prefer but it's a requirement for my industry. If you sell new homes, the model home must be open on Sunday when most people have a free day to get out together...and possibly buy a house.

On a recent Sunday when I was off, we made a rare visit to Adrian's Grandad's church in Ridgely for a surprise 85th Birthday celebration. And recently, I was up in Vermont to visit my sister and experienced a service at her church.

Yesterday was special because Daddy offered to take the girls to church, and they were thrilled. Mommy did have to work, so this was an unusual treat, but I was able to go for a few minutes.

We arrived at church and saw many familiar faces for the first time in a while. Some things had changed since our last visit, the church sanctuary had been remodeled and the children's church had a new check-in system.

Soon the music began. The wonderful worship music. Our church is blessed with a great worship team with many talented musicians and singers. The time singing together with a sanctuary full of people praising the Lord is priceless and blessed. I so enjoyed it. So much.

But I could not stay long. Church starts at 10:30 a.m. Works starts at 11 a.m. After just a few songs, I kissed my little girls and husband goodbye, gathered my purse, and walked out in the middle of a great song... It was hard. I did not want to leave. I wanted to keep singing, to bring the girls to Sunday school, to hear the Word from the pastor, and to visit with friends.

Duty called. Though it was so difficult to walk away and drive down the road to my office, I had to remind myself that in doing this I was being obedient to where God has placed me in this time. He has provided this wonderful job and great opportunity that enables me to take care of my family. I do believe this.

And I gave thanks that Adrian is now well enough to be with the girls alone at church and drive them home. For years, his seizures prevented him from going anywhere with them alone. He was not able to drive most of the time, so it has been only over the recent months as his health continues to improve that we feel comfortable having him drive the girls. He is 19 months seizure free!

While it may become routine for some of you to go to church every Sunday, realize that it really is a gift. Adrian and I both grew up attending church every week, only missing it in emergency situations, and we were both in church leadership as adults. But times, opportunities and life changed things.

After work, the girls told me how much they enjoyed their time at church as we visited a local farmer's market. Maybe we'll get the chance to go to church more often. I'll just trust that in being faithful with the provisions I am currently given, there will come a time when Sundays will be different for our family.
It was a sunny day, so after I got off work Sunday, I took the girls to see the Pumpkin people at Elmer's Market

Snow white and the seven dwarfs. Making the most of the weekend.

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