My mom awoke on her birthday Monday morning, at home in Delaware for the first time in a couple weeks. She had been visiting her family in New York and Vermont the last two weeks, often helping care for her ailing 94 year old mother, Emma.
Mom got the call from her sister's house that their mother had just breathed her last and peacefully gone to heaven that morning. It was bittersweet news. It is always tough to say goodbye to a loved one, but Gram had lived of full, long life.
Mom called each of her four children to share the news with us. My girls were awake and wanted to talk to her, so they heard the news about their Great-Grandma. Adria actually became pretty emotional about it. With the news, we almost forgot to wish my mom, "Happy Birthday"...or at least try.
As I drove Adria to school later that morning, she was fussy and said, "Mom, I just can't get it out of my head that I'll never see Great-Grandma again. That's a sad thought. I need happy thoughts in my head." Even though Adria only got to visit with her a few times, she remembered.
Before we could talk about our hope of seeing Great-Grandma again in heaven, Adria giggled and said, "I just had a happy thought." She talked about our fun little visit with "ridiculous" Uncle Ron, Aunt Kathy and Great-Gram in early October. I'm so glad we were able to make that trip and visit, even if it was for just a few short hours.
So many more were impacted by Grandma's passing. She left an incredible heritage that included eight children (though 2 of her sons preceded her in death) and dozens of grandchildren and great-grands and even 4+ great-great grands.
Saying goodbye to my Grandma, reminds me of a post I wrote several months ago about life and the inevitable times we must Say Goodbye.
Since the news on Monday morning, many have been remembering the times they had with Emma and sharing photos on Facebook. I thought it would be special to put many of their words together in a single post. Of course, I can't capture them all and there are many who are not online, but I tried.
You can also read Emma Parson's obituary HERE, which was published today.
LORNA - Daughter of Emma
Now that all my siblings and children have been notified, it is time to tell all my FB friends. My dear mother, Emma Elenor Underwood MacDonald Parsons was escorted through heaven's gates this morning at 7:30. Even though God chose my birthday to bring her home, I am blessed. It really is a good birthday gift, knowing my mom is whole, young, happy and reunited with long passed loved ones, and meeting grandchildren and great grandchildren that none of us got to know is a blessing to me. Happy home going Mom, you will be missed, but I am glad I had you for 57 years![]() |
Mom and Lil's daughter Sophie with Gram at her 94th birthday party in Feb. |
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Gram with 4 of her children - Kathy (holding Rachel's little one), Darrell, Noreen and Lorna |
CANDICE - Youngest Daughter of Emma
I'm having a really hard time being on here because you are all making me cry my eyes out with your stories of my mom...Thank you for your kind memories of her...If some of you don't know, my mother passed away yesterday at the age of 94. I cry mostly that I did not get one more chance to hug her ...and say good bye...But she did pull one on my sister, Lorna Outten, by passing on her birthday of all days! She always had a great laugh and I loved to make her laugh too.KATHLEEN - Daughter of Emma
My mom, Emma Underwood MacDonald Parsons, passed from this earth to her heavenly reward this morning. She has lived with Ron and I for 6 years, so there will be a huge void here in this house for us. She was the oldest of ten. She was mother to eight children, grandmother to 24 plus, 51 plus greatgrandchildren, and 4 plus great great grandchldren.![]() |
Kathleen's family with Gram |
NOREEN - First Daughter of Emma
Thank you to all who have posted wonderful words of love and memories of my MOM Emma Underwood MacDonald Parsons,,who passed away peacefully this morning at age 94...If anyone of you has any pictures of Mom that you would like to share for the funeral, we would like you to share them by sending them to Kathy and Ron's E-mail address...we will be going to Carlton Funeral Home tomorrow to make arrangements and will post the results afterwards...JANINE - First Granddaughter to Emma
Today I lost my last grandparent Emma Eleanor Underwood MacDonald Parsons. She was 94. I can't even begin to tell you what a huge hole she is leaving in my life, as did her husband Leslie, and my other 2 grandparents Maxine and Ted Gordon as Emma was one of the main forces in my life. I was blessed to have 4 grandparents who literally raised me together. It's great to have parents be there for you, but I have found that my life was so much fuller by having both sets of grandparents sharing in the raising of me and my brother Ted. Not only did she teach me right from wrong but she taught me God's love and what it meant to be a Christian. Her leadership was to be commended and it was always inspiring. She showed me the value of hard work, loyalty, and especially FAMILY. I will always hold her near to my heart. RIP Gram
REBECCA - Daughter of Ray
On February 12, 1920, the first-born child of Howard and Katherine Underwood entered this world. Over the next 94 years, she would touch the lives of many, being the solid rock that held this huge extended family together. She brought many to Christ by her godly example and was always an active participant in the church. She had many, many friends, outliving too many of them. It saddens me that she will no longer be in my life, but I know she had a long and fulfilling one. This amazing woman that I had in my life for 45 years will truly be missed by many! This photo was one of the last times that I saw my grandmother. Always sharp as a track, even in the end, she could recall events and people better than most people younger than her. I love and will miss you, Grandma!MICHELLE - Granddaughter, daughter of Ray
APRIL - Granddaughter, daughter of Ray
My Beautiful, Loving, Beloved Gram, Emma MacDonald-Parsons, gained her wings and went home to Heaven this morning. It saddens me greatly that I was unable to go home to New York to see her the past two years. The memories I have will last a lifetime. She was my teacher in Sunday School for years and was so fun to be around! RIP Gram! I love and miss you. Tell Dad and Doug and Gramps and everyone else up there that I love them. Dance, Sing and rejoice until we meet again!DANIEL - Grandson, son of Noreen
Just a few photos with Grandma From years gone by , she was so important to me , along with Grandpa especially in my youth, and I will always be thankful for all the love and wisdom she shared with me and so many others. My heart goes out to all my family members that feel the sorrow i feel tonite, she was truly an Angel among us
ALETHA - Granddaughter, daughter of Allen
BETH - Granddaughter, daughter of Allen
It is hard to put into words the feelings I am having this morning. My heart is joyful yet weighed down with sadness. My Gram, Emma Elenor Underwood MacDonald Parsons moved on from this earthly life to be with loved ones in Heaven. I have joy that she is at peace, wrapped in the love of those gone before and of our Lord. Yet, it is hard not to feel the sad. Goodbyes are never easy. Until we meet again Gram, I take comfort that you are now an angel blessing your family from above
LILLIAN - Granddaughter, daughter of Lorna (my sister :)
Good bye, Gram! This is our last "selfie". Just a couple months ago. I always said you were "spunky" love you and I'll miss you dearly, but so glad you are with grandpa and your boys and Jesus! Emma Parsons you lived an admirable life!
JESSICA - Granddaughter, daughter of Candice
Things I liked about going to Grandma's: Coloring, helping to cook, watching old movies, playing games like boggle, putting together puzzles, playing with all her stuffed animals, riding bikes, exploring the slate mountain in back of her house, going to Sunday school and going out to eat afterwards. I will cherish these memories for the rest of my life. Rest in Peace, Gram
CLAIRISSA - Granddaughter, younger daughter of Candice
Clairissa on right with Shannon, Abby, my girls and I during our October visit with Gram |
My heart is many memories RIP grandma...
My heart is grieving but my soul is at peace knowing Grandma is now returned to her family in Heaven. During this week of Thanksgiving let us remember what a wonderful woman she is, and will continue to be when it's our turn to meet back up. I love you Grandma, thank you for all of your blessings during this life.
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One of our best family photos, back in 1989. |