Sunday, December 21, 2014

A Graveyard Visit

Daddy shared a special moment with his girls yesterday. One of those simple yet sacred moments.

Together they brought flowers to Daddy's oldest brother. The uncle they never met.

The marker for a life that ended far too soon, lies in a graveyard just a few miles down the road from our home.

Adrian spotted a dozen yellow roses amidst the rack of flowers at the store that morning. They reminded him of his brother Christopher - those were his favorite flowers.

Though Chris died more than 10 years before our oldest daughter was born, his memory is still a part of our family. Adrian thought this would be a good opportunity to show the girls his love for his brother and how he is missed.

I was not there when they stopped by the graveyard, but it touched my heart in a way I can't quite explain when I saw the pictures of our daughters placing the bright yellow bouquet next to his headstone.

The girls had smiles on their faces, as they happily carried the flowers and gently set them down.

They might not fully understand what they were doing, but I know Adria understands that Daddy had another older brother and she sometimes hears stories about her Uncle Chris who lived on a ranch in Texas. He was a quiet, very intelligent young man with a kind heart.

But it is tough to think about too much. To know how much Adrian and his family miss him. Chris was just 23 when his life surprisingly ended. Thinking about their little graveyard visit makes me cry giant tears that soak my shirt sleeves...and he was not even my son or my brother.

Still, I am glad that Adrian took time to share his love and the precious memory of his brother with his daughters. I can't even begin to imagine the emotions it stirred within my husband. It was a simple yet sacred moment.

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