Thursday, June 4, 2015

Big Sisters

These two little girls are so in love with Baby Brother... usually.

Sometimes they literally smother him with kisses and other times the videos and games on the iPad are much more interesting.

But they are clearly disappointed by one thing. He's growing too fast!

Yesterday, 6-year-old Adria said, "Mom, he's so 'uncute' compared to when he first came out of your belly. He's getting so big!" And then she let out a few rather pitiful sobs. Another night she saw me holding him and remarked, "He was so precious and little when he was born. He's growing too fast!"

When Judah was first born, just over five weeks ago, 3-year-old Johanna would often say, "Ah, he's so precious, Mom. Awww, he's so cute!"  Now, she says he has a big belly ;)

The "Smother Brother" kisses

It is true, our little man has grown and changed so much over the past two weeks. The Newborn size clothes that were a perfect fit early on, are now packed away, and Judah is filling out the 0-3 months clothes quite nicely...for now.

I knew it would happen this fast. I've seen it twice before. And still, I wish we had just a little more time in that adorable newborn phase when babies are so tiny. Yet, I'm thankful for a happy, healthy growing baby. Who is still super cute, I might add.
Daddy's photo shoot of Judah, just over a month old

Judah's big sisters have had much to say about him and babies, since his arrival. Here are a few sayings I thought were especially cute:

  • "Mom, do all baby Men have such hairy ears?" Adria noticing Judah's fuzzy ears.
  • "He has the cutest little but ever!" Adria exclaimed after watching me change Judah when he first came home. This was followed by a shriek and, "Baby boy pee-pees are gross!!!" (waahahahahaahaa!)
  • "Mama, did you hold Jo-Jo lots and lots when I was baby?" Johanna says as she sees me rocking baby brother.
  • "I'm going to have twins when I grow up!" Adria said. My reply, "Haha! That's up to God."
  • Her response, "I'm so glad He gave us a little brother like we wanted. Thank you!" Then she blew a kiss toward heaven.
  • "Ahhh, baby brother is getting all your lovins'. I wish I got more." Adria said after she saw me give Judah dozens of kisses on his cheeks. Of course, then I had to give her a kiss attack! There may be a wee bit of baby jealousy.
  • "Mom, is his belly button all better?" Johanna asked after his umbilical cord came out around 2 weeks. The still attached cord clearly bothered them.
  • "This baby makes our family even cuter!" Adria said. 

It's pretty fun and entertaining to have two little "mamas" around to "help" with their brother. They are usually good, but they both seem convinced that they can pick him up...which this mama does not allow! And their affections can get rather overbearing.  But I know they just want to show their love.

I do hope they enjoy it, because he's just going to keep growing and changing faster than they want! Faster than I want too, but it's all part of the parenthood adventure.
Mommy and her precious babies

Speaking of growing, Judah is sleeping in his nursery crib for the first time tonight instead of the cradle in our bedroom. Here's to hoping it goes well, and that I'll just be up the normal 2 to 3 times a night to feed him and not more!

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