At least I'm trying to enjoy it for a few minutes and not be distracted by the mess. By all there is that needs to be done.
A pile of princess figurines sits next to me on the couch. Dried pizza crust from last night's dinner lies on the floor, along with several wrappers from packs of gummies. They blend in readily with the toys that I tried to avoid tripping on. The kitchen sink is full of dirty dishes. There are bag of groceries that still need to be put away. Piles of dirty laundry to be washed. The list goes on and on.
But it's not for lack of effort. Especially on the part of my husband who is home during the day trying to balance the needs of a 3 month old baby along with 2 young daughters. In spite of all their demands, he still amazes me with all that he does accomplish inside and outside our home each day.
And if it were only up to me, the mess would be insurmountable. Yes, I'm a bit of a messy. Definitely NOT a neat freak. Adrian has always been the "neater" one in this relationship.
It just feels impossible to keep up with everything. Yesterday, was a crazy busy day for me at work with back to back client appointments all day, during which I barely squeezed in time to pump my milk and scarf down food at 1:45 p.m. We had to run errands when I got home, so by the time the kids were in bed...we had nothing left. Bed called.
Yet when I look at it all with fresh eyes, I see all there is to be thankful for in spite of the mess:
- The toys everywhere mean I'm blessed to be a mother with children who are healthy and active
- The dishes in the sink mean we have plenty of food to eat
- The fact that I'm up early because cries woke me and I couldn't sleep means I have a precious little baby
- The ever present laundry means we have many clothes to wear
- The exhaustion I feel from yesterday's busyness means that work is going well and our family is being provided for
- The bills on our desk mean we have a home to live in and cars to get around
- The markers and paper covering the kitchen table mean my daughters have a creative side that enjoys crafts
- The general mess means that my family is able to be home during the day and not be in child care somewhere else
- All the things, all the stuff, all the mess means we are BLESSED
And for all that, I am so thankful. Especially when I look beyond the mess and see all that has been done. The bathrooms that are clean. The bottles that are put away. The towels that are washed. The clothes I wear to work neatly hung. The trash that's been taken out. The garage that is swept. The lawn that looks fabulous. And most of all, the children who are fed and happy. The list goes on and on.
That means I have a husband who cares and works hard every day at one of the toughest jobs a man can have...Stay at Home Dad.
All the mess means that I have this wonderful family to love.
All the mess means that I have this wonderful family to love.
Today I am thankful. Still, I somehow wish this thankful heart could make the mess go away...haha!! Okay, well I better get moving and try to clean up a little before heading back into the office for a busy Saturday.