Many times throughout this year and last, I have been incredibly thankful for the kind, supportive teachers my daughters have at school. Teacher Appreciation Week gives me some extra motivation to share just how much they mean to me. (But of course, I got busy at work this week and am just a tad late sharing this.)
These teachers are creating an environment that's enabling our children to grow and excel. Both of our daughters attend the local public school, and we have been very pleased with the teachers and the administration. It's a new experience to us, as Adrian was always home-schooled and I only attended private, Christian schools along with being home-schooled for five years. We both received a good education, yet are thankful for great teachers who make public school a good option for our family.
As Adria nears the end of First Grade, I am so thrilled with her progress in learning. She is reading age appropriate books very well, requiring only occasional assistance with words, and her math comprehension is impressive. Just yesterday, we realized she forgot to do her homework, so she did her math problems on the way to's only a 10 minute drive and 4 minutes down the road, she was finished! She has earned straight A's all year, receiving the Distinguished Honor Roll each quarter. Woohoo!!
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Adria's recent First Grade Portrait, age 7 - photo by Lifetouch |
And so much credit goes to her amazing teachers - both from Kindergarten and this year. Adria is in a classroom with two experienced teachers, and they have been wonderful. Mrs. Hastings just loves Adria's wit and often shares with me funny things she says or sweet things she does. She knows how to encourage her strengths and minimize her weaknesses.
Like that time on a class trip when they were playing relay games. Mrs. Hastings subtly made Adria's group two people fewer than the others...not so they could win, but so Adria's team could finish their relay around the same time as the others. Adria can't run as fast as other first graders, due to her spina bifida and leg braces, so it slowed her team down, but she gave her best and her team finished with the others!
Then there was the day I totally missed the Honor Roll Assembly. and Mrs. Hastings sent me pictures of Adria prancing across the stage. Adria was disappointed I didn't make it, but glad I could see her pose as she was recognized for her accomplishment.
Mrs. Hastings even sent me a note earlier in the year saying such kind things about Adria, like "Her intuitiveness about how others might be feeling is just awesome and her desire to make them feel good about themselves is just too much."
Adria's first grade class in December - Mrs. Clough on left and Mrs. Hastings on right in rear |
And of course Mrs. Clough who is Adria's walking buddy every day at noon when they go to the school nurse, Mrs. Lord, who helps Adria with her special potty needs. Mrs. Clough always seems to be in a good mood and attentive to each child's unique personality in the class. Adria missed her so much when she was on vacation recently.
Johanna started pre-school in the fall knowing most her colors and some numbers, but really struggling with shapes and letters. Now, she's got her shapes down, easily counts to 20 and beyond when prompted, and recognizes many letters. She can spell her name and write with some help. And she colors inside the lines much better :) She loves Art and Dramatic play at pre-school.
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Johanna's recent preschool portrait, age 4 - photo by Lifetouch |
Her teachers are so full of energy and perfect for their job. They manage a room full of three and four year olds without ever seeming to lose patience and keep them entertained and learning. Even though Johanna is in a class full of 13 boys with just one other girl, her teachers make sure there are plenty of activities she enjoys and embraces with all her friends.
Johanna often talks about her teachers and how much fun she has at preschool. Just tonight she said, "Mom, I love Mrs. Mingo. And I love Mrs. Hill too!" Her teacher's name is really Mrs. Mozingo, but it's kind of adorable how she calls her "Miss Mingo" most of the time.
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Johanna's preschool class at a recent trip to the Fire Hall - Mrs. Mozingo on left and Mrs. Hill on the right Note the 2 little girls and ALL the boys! |
In addition to their teachers, I have been impressed with the school administration at the local public school. I don't know how many hundred pre-school through second grade students attend there, but it's a A LOT. The staff call the children by name when they see them in the halls, encouraging them and challenging them to have good behaviors.
I visit when possible for Adria's lunch time, assemblies, class trips and other special events. It seems to be such a good, positive environment. I know I don't seem all the day to day drama with the children and parents, but what I do see are caring professionals genuinely trying to prepare these young ones for success in school and life.
There are so many more people I could name, like Adria's art teacher, computer teacher, librarian, gym teachers, cafeteria workers and more. THANK YOU ALL!
We parents appreciate how you care for our children every day.
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