Saturday, December 22, 2018

Our 2018 Highlight Reel

No Christmas cards were mailed out from the Seely home this year. I usually send out over 100 cards with our smiling faces on them, but it just didn’t happen. And truthfully, I have no regrets. But sorry if you missed getting one.
Our Family at the Spina Bifida Assoc. Christmas Party

Instead, I’ll spend a few minutes spewing out some thoughts about our year, if you care to know how 2018 panned out in this house.

We started off the year with the girls trying something new and both taking a gymnastics class, which they really enjoyed. This fall Johanna went back to gymnastics, but Adria really wanted to take a martial arts class so she’s trying that out…and looks totally adorable in her white uniform.

Adria turned 10 in September! And just like that, we are officially parents to a child in the double digits. She continues to amaze us with her hard work, determination and spirit. She is a straight A student in her 4th grade class, and this year was accepted into the Gifted and Talented Program at her school. And let me tell you, they have some seriously challenging assignments in that class, but it’s given her the opportunity to stretch herself and I see a budding writer in her. #proudmama
Adria in her martial arts outfit

Just a couple weeks ago, we had the opportunity to become part of the Spina Bifida Association of the Eastern Shore (Maryland) and participate in their annual Christmas party. What a wonderful experience for Adria to meet so many others, including several girls her age, who were also born with Spina Bifida. They enjoyed crafts, food and gifts from Santa while the parents feasted on a delicious meal. Adria keeps asking when we can get together with them again J

Johanna recently celebrated her 7th birthday with a few of her “Besties”. Our spunky, fun and sensitive little girl makes friends wherever she goes with her bubbly personality. We’ve enjoyed watching her grow and learn to read in first grade, where she also earned straight A’s the first marking period. So thankful for wonderful teachers at the local public school! The girls are both riding the bus to and from school for the first time this year, so that’s been helpful in getting them to school on time (cough) and mommy getting to work early more often.
Judah is ready for Christmas!

Judah is growing fast and this 3 year old spends much of his time playing with trains, trucks, dirt, water, and balls. Total boy and Daddy loves it. They continue to have a special bond, spending their days together while the girls are away. Judah does go to preschool in Milford two days a week in a class with six boys and a girl. He loves his big sisters, especially messing with them while they're playing or coloring.

Adrian celebrated a milestone birthday, turning 40 in November. His birthday wish was to have all his siblings in town together, and it came true! They came from British Columbia, Texas, Ohio and locally so the 7 of them ate dinner together at his parent’s table for the first time in 11 years. So special!
In November, Adrian turned 40 and we
celebrated 15 years of marriage.

Another big milestone came on Thanksgiving Day, which was also our 15th Wedding Anniversary. We actually celebrated it in October when we took a week-long trip to Maui, Hawaii (without the Kids)! It was a long flight, but a beautiful place where we experienced many exciting things. My first helicopter ride over the island of Molokai literally took my breath away, and a couple’s zip-lining adventure had us laughing through the air in the rain and posing with rainbows. With this trip, Adrian has now officially been to all 50 of the United States of America!!!

I completed my third full marathon while in Maui. And those were the most difficult 26.2 miles I’ve run/walked yet… Though I had trained for months, I was not prepared for the trifecta of Heat, Hills, and Humidity along the lovely Pacific coast. It took me an hour longer to complete than my other 2 marathons, but I crossed that finish line on my own two feet and came in 250 out of 552 runners! I continue to run 5K races and just posted my best time ever of 26:15.

Getting ready to run in Maui
It’s been an interesting year for me in new home sales with lots of activity some months and very little others, but it looks like I’ll finish 2018 with a strong December. I recently sold my largest home in 11 years of doing this and am excited to see it built with great views of a Delaware bay!

One other major event happened earlier this year; on February 20 my amazing Dad went into cardiac arrest and we briefly lost him. It was a frightening time, but our community came together in prayer and support and Dad miraculously recovered. We are thankful beyond words.  Then in July, Dad and Mom were able to celebrate their 40th Anniversary.

It was another year full of life, love, struggle, laughter and tears. And we are thankful for it. And for YOU sharing with us in it.


A beautiful sunset on the Pacific that we experienced in Maui

Helicopter ride over Molokai island

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