Monday, October 7, 2013

A-Camping We Go!

We've been talking about whether to attempt it or not, but at the last minute we decided to go for it with this weekend's beautiful forecast. Tent camping with two little girls is not for the faint of heart!

Adrian and I have always enjoyed camping and in our early years of marriage explored many new areas and hiking paths with our little tent as a resting place.

It's different with kids. Much different. In some ways they bring more joy to the experience, and in other ways they...well, drive you crazy!

We bought a bigger tent when we took Adria out with us for the first time in Indiana three years ago. She was the same age as Johanna is now, 22 months, and she wasn't walking yet. I now realize that actually made things a lot easier. Having a VERY mobile 22 month old is a completely different experience.

We arrived at Trap Pond State Park in Laurel, Del. around 6:30 p.m. on Friday; it's not far from home but we had to wait until I got off work.

As we packed up our gear at 9:30 a.m. on Sunday, Adrian and I shared the same sentiment - glad we came but glad to be going home too :)

Now for a few highlights from our weekend adventure.

Camping FUN times:
- a spacious, private campsite surrounded by trees
- crackling campfire on a warm fall evening and gooey roasted marshmallows
- Starbucks coffee cooked over an open flame and served black (Ade not me!)
- sounds of nature at night, right outside the tent
- Daddy getting in a couple rounds of disc golf at one of his favorite courses
- helping girls with fun crafts like beading a necklace and putting peanut butter and seeds on a pinecone for a bird feeder
- family hike through the woods and down by the lake, during which the little one slept in the stroller
- watching Daddy have fun with his daughters and showing them how he loved camping as a boy
- special visitors Granny and Grandad Seely coming to join us for dinner and some fun Saturday night
- taking a 45 minute wagon ride through the forest with grandparents and learning that Trap Pond is the northern most point in the U.S. where Cyrus trees grow, mostly in the water
- listening to songs and stories from Granny and Grandad Seely about many of their camping adventures with their 8 children
- wonderful weather, just a bit on the warm side for October with 80+ temps
- just being with my girls and husband away from the distractions of home and TV
- and spending less than $50 (Not counting food) to do all that! 

Camping Not-so-Fun times:
- arriving near dusk and having to set up our tent and bedding in the dark
- feeling like a mule since we opted for the more secluded walk-in sites where we had to carry our van load of supplies down a long path, thankfully we did find a wheel barrow to use for a few treks
- being awaken countless times at night by fussy girls who either needed a diaper change, bedding adjusted, a drink, or Adria needing catheterized
- not sleeping because our air mattress gradually deflated through the night; we trashed it
- filthy little girls who were constantly covered in dirt, and trying to give them a quick bath in a big tub of water
- tree roots that caused both my little girls to trip and fall a lot :(
- Johanna exploring anything and everything, often dangerous and flopping herself in the dirt when told No...made me question my parenting skills!
- the little green worms that were dangling from trees all over the place
- having to skip some of Adria's important nighttime routine because it was just too difficult to try
- and the closest bathroom being a glorified outhouse with no plumbing...

We do like camping. We are also starting a savings fund to buy a camper within the next few years in an effort to reduce the "Not-so-Fun" list!

It's all worth the effort when our 5 year old Adria says, "Mommy, I love camping with you. When are we coming back?" Hmmm, not sure.

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