Saturday, November 30, 2013

How I spell Thanksgiving

Thanksgiving has come and gone already, for that matter so has November. Throughout this month many of you on social media have posted daily about the things you are thankful for, and it's been so enjoyable to experience this on-going attitude of gratitude.

I did not exactly join in, but that is not for a shortage of blessings. This Thanksgiving I had much to be thankful for, including the first time in a few years where we spent the day enjoying food and visiting with both sides of our family. We headed to Adrian's parents in the morning and early afternoon for a delicious meal, and enjoyed the time with four of the eight Seely children. Then to my parents, just 15 minutes away, for dessert and games with all of my siblings and five of our cousins and their families (I have over 20 cousins!). My mom puts on a big spread for about 30+ people most years.

We both are blessed with very large families, but there are many members we have not seen in years. We think of them across the miles or recovering in hospitals during this time when families come together.

It reminds me of two years ago when we did not spend Thanksgiving with our families. In 2011 we lived in Indiana and I was nine months pregnant with Johanna, so we weren't doing any major travel. Adrian's parents and sister had driven out to visit a week before for his birthday. I had prepared an early Thanksgiving meal, that unfortunately we weren't able to enjoy very much due to a bad stomach virus spread to every one of us except Adrian. We were sick and miserable :( I hope we can avoid ever having that again!

My parents were waiting to come out until closer to Johanna's birth, so it was a strange Thanksgiving with no family around. It made the miles seem so long. Fortunately, we did have some good friends and neighbors in Indiana who invited us to join with their family for a delicious meal. In fact, we enjoyed our Thanksgiving dinner in a home that I had sold them!

I am thankful, very thankful for what we have this year. On this final day of November, I'm going to share a THANKSGIVING list that's likely different than what you posted every day but these are some things that mean so much to us.

T IME - We so often lament that time passes too fast, but there are seasons of life when you are thankful that the Time passed quickly and you are further removed from the thing that afflicted you.
H EALING - As we are now almost nine months from Adrian's last grand mal seizure, we are thankful for the Healing that we are experiencing.

A DVENTURES - Whether it's a few days away with my husband or moving twice to different states in one year, we have learned to love the Adventure.

N EMOURS - This is the health network that runs A.I. DuPont Hospital for Children and our local pediatrician's office. Nemours offered the best options for our precious daughter's surgeries as a newborn, and now they continue to provide exceptional care as she thrives with spina bifida.

K IDS - Our greatest treasures for sure are these two little giggly girls, and the innocence of Kids is a thing to be greatly appreciated.

S IMPLICITY - Life is so often complicated and complex that when we can find unexpected areas for simplicity, it can be wonderful...Like a much smaller home to clean.

G OLF - We are talking about Disc Golf here, sometimes called Frisbee golf, and though you may not know what it is, my husband loves it and it has proven to be a great outlet for him this summer and fall.

I NTEREST RATES - For the last couple years Interest rates have been historically low, which has made home buying more affordable for people, however they've been creeping up higher this year. For me, this has been a great thing as it's been a major factor in the improved housing market and making my job a little easier.

V IMPAT - This is a fairly new medication to treat seizures and it's the one that finally seems to be working for Adrian after trying several others. I'm also thankful we only pay $40 a month for Vimpat because it's over $1200 a month without insurance!

I EP - An acronym for Individualized Education Program, this is what the state develops for children displaying any type of developmental delay. The IEP enables Adria to get half day pre-school five days a week and a bus ride to and from school for no cost to me (other than the state taxes I pay...)

N IGHTTIME - The most wonderful time of day is Night-time, when work is done and I get to be with my little family. Once we finish our nightly routine, I often try to sneak in some time writing. 

G RANDPARENTS - Easily one of the greatest blessings for us and our children is their Grandparents. We now live close to all four of them again and so appreciate their constant support and involvement in the lives of our girls.

That is how I spell THANKSGIVING!

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