Sunday, November 17, 2013

When will I go in the sky, Mommy?

Every night at the end of our routine, I snuggle into Adria's bed with both the girls and we read a story or two.

Tonight Johanna pulled a story off the bookshelf titled The First Easter. I don't think we've read the book since Easter, but it tells the story of Jesus' life and miracles, death on the cross, and His resurrection and ascension with colorful cartoons and child-friendly language.

The last page showed a picture of Jesus high in the clouds waving to the disciples as He ascended into heaven.

Adria seemed to ponder the page, then said, "How did Jesus get up there?"

Hmm, how best do I answer this? I replied, "His Father is God. He is able to do anything, and He lifted him up in the sky."

"I want to go up with Jesus in the sky," my insightful 5 year old responds.

"You will go with Jesus, honey. Everyone who loves Jesus will live with Him in heaven," I said, embracing this opportunity to share the most important thing she'll ever learn.

"When will I go in the sky, Mommy?" she says.

"Oh, mommy hopes that it's not for a long, long time. We go in the sky when we die." I said, maybe getting too deep but not wanting her to be in a hurry to go in the sky!

"But I want to go up like Jesus. I promise I'll come back," and there my little Adria brought a big smile to my face. I love the innocent mind of a child. She just wants to float through the clouds like Jesus, that sounds fun to me too!

On the one hand, I found her insistence to want to go in the sky slightly unnerving. On the other hand, I thoroughly enjoyed our little theological conversation and the chance to talk about Jesus.

Of course, Johanna was in the middle of it all shoving another book in our faces to be read! I just love these two.

These quiet moments and unplanned discussions with our children are so crucial to the foundation of their worldview as they grow. I fear that I have already missed many of these moments in my rush to get to the next thing, but I was thankful for our time tonight.
Johanna leading big sister through our backyard this morning. It usually goes that way with them ;)

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