I have always been a dreamer, not one to walk the straight and narrow but one to hike over the mountains just to see what’s up there. I think that’s what ultimately brought Julles and I together because she is much the same way. We each have our own individual dreams, some of which have had to be put aside for the sake of having a family, but we also have our dreams of what we want to do and be as a couple and as a family. Yes, there are moments that we cry for the loss of the personal dreams that we had to lay aside for the sake of achieving the larger dream of having a family, but those dreams may not be gone forever. My own is that I would much rather be living close to the Canadian Rockies. I won’t bother you with the why’s and where’s, but that’s what it is. I feel its pull every day but it can’t be. A personal dream must be sacrificed in pursuit of achieving a much larger family dream.
I personally believe that our dreams and all the time we spend talking about our dreams is one of the things that has helped hold Julles and I together through the many trials that our marriage has faced in the ten years we have been together. The stress of everyday reality, bills, unmet needs, and a plethora of other things can tear a marriage apart. That’s why the current divorce rate is close to sixty percent. But having and talking about dreams as a couple breads hope, it brings life into the relationship, it lets you know that no matter how bad today is another day in another place will be much better. It will also make you stop thinking, talking, and blaming each other for your current tough situation.
A long time personal dream of mine has been to visit Spain and Italy. I love the language, food, wine, and the people I have met from there. This January the stars finally aligned for that dream to become a reality, and I was able to travel to Spain with my sister Leona where another sister Angela is stationed with the military. We spent three days in Rome, Italy and ten days traveling through Spain including a trip to Gibraltar. It was better than I even imagined it would be and was smooth traveling because Angela knew all the quirks of international travel. The whole opportunity came when I least expected it and worked out better than if I had been planning it for a year. That’s the beauty of having and holding on to dreams. I am currently fulfilling another lifelong dream of learning to play the piano.
First day in Europe - Madrid, Spain
Adrian's travel companions, younger sisters Leona and Angela
View outside the Coliseum in Rome
Sitting in an ornate garden in Barcelona
~ Adrian Seely
Adrian dreaming on the shores of the Atlantic Ocean in Spain |
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