Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Easter Traditions and Special Memories

Growing up, the excitement we felt Easter morning was second only to Christmas! Mom was always great about having Easter baskets for each of us four children but the real fun was the jelly beans hidden around the house. We often got to do a quick hunt for those even before we dressed for church. And when we dressed for church, my older sister and I typically wore coordinating Easter dresses hand sewn by my mother.

Anyone who knows me is clearly aware of the fact that I did NOT inherit my mother's ability or desire to sew. In fact, I downright detest the idea of sewing...JCPenney discount rack, here I come. However, I know that sewing for her daughters and granddaughters is a special gift my mom wants to share. It came as no surprise when Adria announced a couple weeks ago that Grandma was measuring her for a new dress. And thus my mom toiled in her sewing room the night before Easter finishing three whimsical little dresses for her three granddaughters ages 6, 5 and 2.

Homemade Easter Dresses
Easter girls to pose in their new dresses made by Grandma. As you can see, I was not hugely successful

Cousin Sophie shows off her dress during the Easter egg hunt after church
Cousin Sophie shows off her dress during the Easter egg hunt after church
Just as my parents created some Easter traditions for us, I too want to share that with my daughters. They are at that perfect age when holidays are getting very exciting for them. That said, this procrastinating mother (I think I did inherit that trait from my mom...) found myself waking up early Sunday morning to run to the store and grab a couple more things for the girls' Easter baskets and then hide some eggs around the house just before my sleepyheads stumbled out of bed. This included the Bunny Eggs we had made last week. The last minute rushing paid off with excited little girls stomping around the house in search of their eggs.

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Happy girls awaking to Easter baskets on Sunday
I want Easter and holidays to be fun for them, but I did want to make sure to share the true message of Easter. After the hunt, I snuggled them on my lap, though Johanna did not stay long, to read a short children's story. When Adria saw the book she said, "But Mom, that's not an Easter story because there are no eggs on the book!" Looks like I definitely need to work on telling her the real story more. I read about Jesus riding into town on a donkey, then a few days later being hung on a cross for our sins followed by the joy of the empty tomb. Because Jesus lives we can live with hope, no matter how many times life knocks us down. This reminded me of when I read this same story last fall and Adria asked "When will I go in the Sky?"

It was an enjoyable day for us. Last year we spent Easter in Virginia and did not have the opportunity to be around much family, but this past weekend we spent time with both of our families celebrating this most important day for remembering that our Savior is Risen! The grandchildren enjoyed hunting for eggs that my Dad had hidden around their house and later we had dinner with Adrian's family and had a surprise visit from some of his family we had not seen in years. Oh yeah, and the girls got to hold Granny's newborn kittens as well as ride on Aunt Leona and Uncle Gary's four-wheelers!

We are thankful for the memories created and the time together. We hope you had a blessed Easter as well!

P.S. I would have posted this a couple days ago, but I was experiencing technical difficulties...

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 Adria hunting for Easter eggs at Grandma Outtens after church

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Johanna loves the wind in her hair and Sunday was a very windy day for an egg hunt

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My parents 5 grandchildren all together!

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My Family including my parents, 2 little brothers, sister and her crew, my aunt Bonnie and her 2 girls, plus an extra friend and Kipper. Happy Easter!
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  Little girls in awe of new kittens at Granny Seely's house
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The girls enjoyed sharing the kittens with Aunt Betsy, cousin Ireland and three new friends, daughters of Adrian's cousin Ben.

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