Sunday, May 25, 2014

Her First Graduation!

Adria walked down the aisle in cap and gown for the first time on Friday. And then walked across the stage to receive her first diploma. I'd like her to get used to this :)

It was adorable. These 24 little preschoolers in blue caps and gowns-The Woodbridge Raiders Preschool graduating Class of 2014! And high school graduating class of 2027...

As Adria confidently made her way to the front with no tripping and just a big smile on her face. I was so proud of her. And right behind her was one of her best friends, Katie. The teachers and phyiscal therapist have told me that these two girls are so close, maybe it has something to do with the fact that they are the 2 shortest kids in the class but I think it's much more than that.

They are kindred spirits, understanding that they share some challenges other kids don't.
Adria is holding hands with her good friend Katie on Field Day (just a few days before graduation).
Katie is a triplet and the tall girl beside her is one of the three.

But Adria has lots of friends. There are some wonderful children in her class that she's gotten to know this year, and I know she'll miss them over the summer. 

Her preschool really is special. The program is provided by our local public school specifically to help developmentally changed children get ready for kindergarten. I think about half of her class was children who had speech, behavioral, physical or social delays. These were the kids who rode the bus to school. The other half were "normally developing" children whose parents brought them.

With three incredible teachers, this learning environment seemed to work great for all the children. And on graduation day it was beautiful to see the progress many of the children had made since the start of the year! Adria's greatest physical improvement is her ability to now take a few steps up and down stairs without holding onto a rail. It's rather impressive.

Adria was excited about graduating, but when we told her it meant that school was almost over, she nearly cried. She's looking forward to kindergarten already.

Here she is walking down the aisle!

Little Pre-school graduates

The kids performed 3 songs and dances for we proud parents. Cute!

Waiting patiently for her name to be called and receive her "diploma."

Paper outlines of the children were taped to the wall with notes.
Her's said "Adria's favorite part of preschool was the art interest (area).
When she grows up she wants to be a mom."

She loves her Grandma Outten.

She was so thrilled to see Grandma and Grandpa there for her "show".

And equally excited that her Granny Seely was at the graduation.

Mommy and her little graduate

So excited and proud! You go girl!

Little sister was excited for Big Sissy too! Sisterly love

School friends showcasing their accomplishment.

Our family

Our fuzzy but precious family ;)

The graduation was only 30 minutes of fanfare and we did not throw a big party afterward, but there was something very special about seeing our little girl walk down that aisle by herself and completely confident. That little baby I cried over and prayed for as I carried her inside of me and wondered what her life would be like with spina bifida...that little baby just graduated from pre-school and is growing into a strong and very capable little lady. I love this girl! And I look forward to watching where life leads her.

Congratulations Adria Mychelle Seely!

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