There is a Word document on the desktop of our computer
titled “Possible Places to Live.” Have
you ever done that? Just thought about packing up and moving somewhere that you
didn’t really know anyone but you were ready for change and liked what the area
offered? We’ve taken that thought into
action twice now. It’s thrilling, stressful, exhilarating, overwhelming,
adventurous, torturous and down-right crazy. But I never claimed to be sane…
We wrote the "Possible places to live" document in early
2012 when we were still living in Indianapolis and considering another move.
The two years we had spent in the Midwest were fun, but after Johanna’s birth a
couple months prior and Adrian’s continuing health challenges, we wanted to
return somewhere on the East Coast that was closer to our family.
However, we just weren’t ready to return to Delaware…we had
been so eager to leave in the first place. We wanted to be within a few hours
drive instead of 12+ hours away, and we wanted a place with culture, great
schools, job opportunities, and lots of stuff for kids. We ended up in a suburb
of Richmond, Virginia where we were just over three hours from family, perfect for a
weekend trip and sometimes the grandparents even drove down for just the day.
But that did not last, as I’ve talked about before. It ended
up not being close enough. And here we are, back in Delaware.
This week marks
one year since our return to Delaware. We left the state on an adventure fouryears ago, only to return three years later. We gained a few battle scars along
the way, but we are ultimately more fulfilled and well-rounded, and we met some
wonderful people along the way.
So how does it feel being back in Delaware a year? Overall,
it’s been a rather Boring year. Before you pass judgment, hear me out. Boring
can actually be a wonderful thing.
When we look at our lives in whole over the past decade and
the major events that every year has held, this past year was one of the
quietest years ever. For instance, from last April until now our little family
has experienced…
- No Seizures
- No Births
- No Surgeries
- No Buying a Home
- No Selling a Home
- No Hospital stays or ER visits
- No Moves since we arrived
- No Major changes in Adria's health
We are actually thankful to have a “boring” year, since so
many others have been jam-packed like the Year before that Held So Much. But in this
year, we have enjoyed regular visits with our families and rekindled
friendships that had lain dormant during our years away. We gave up having countless restaurants,
shops, dance studios, a zoo and children’s museum with 15 minutes so that we
could live within 15 minutes of family. It’s taken us time to adjust, but the
trade-off is worth it. The girls have so appreciated all the time with
grandparents, aunts, uncles and cousins, and we’ve enjoyed visiting with more
people we know.
Of course, Adrian experienced a big adventure that broke up the "boredom" of this year when he fulfilled a lifelong dream and traveled to Europe in January.
When we came back last year, everything was in a blur with
the sudden move and Adrian’s uncertain health and my new job and getting Adria registered for pre-school. We had no idea what to expect or how long we’d
stay. It’s taken us almost a year, but we are realizing that right now we don’t
want any big changes again. We really just want to settle down in a place and
not keep on with our trend of moving 9 times in 10 years! The madness needs to
stop. We need to be still…and live. And give.
So as I find myself working on the street next to where I
grew up, the place I dreamt about leaving, there is an attitude adjustment
happening. I am busy selling new homes
to people coming from different states all around us to live in Delaware.
Quiet, little southern Delaware made their list for “Possible Places to Live.” With
Low property taxes, fun and varied beaches, slower pace of life, light traffic
(except on summer weekends), and good-hearted people - apparently there’s a lot
to love about the place of my birth.
After a year back in Delaware, I’m learning to fall in love
with this tiny state, that’s smaller than all but Rhode Island. Family is a great reason to be here, but
living here should be more than that. I want to enjoy wherever life takes us.
It’s going to be my challenge over this next year to find as many wonderful
things about Delaware as possible. We should live here by choice, not just
Let’s start with you sharing some of your favorite things
about Delaware…. Thanks! Maybe I'll start a series of posts about Falling in Love with Delaware.
Love the beach all times of the year. Love being surrounded by family even if I don't see them as much as I'd like. Love Greenwood chicken... a sure sign summer is almost here!