"Sitting in the ER with my husband, Adria's asleep in her stroller. He's stabilizing so hoping to leave soon."
Yesterday a notification popped up on my Facebook account that this was my "status" four years ago just after midnight on April 19. I had almost forgotten about that trip to the ER...but not really, I just haven't thought about it in a while.
The ER visit was a result of another seizure that had shown up completely unexpected. Except this time, Adrian had two seizures...in the same day...that had never happened. And it was the first time that our little toddler Adria actually witnessed Daddy having a seizure :(
It had actually started as a very exciting day for us. I had a doctor appointment with my OB/GYN who had confirmed that I was indeed pregnant again and just over six weeks along. Even at such an early stage, I was able to see a tiny flutter of a heartbeat on a screen...that little heart continues to beat in our daughter Johanna. It was so reassuring for us to see this little life as just three months prior, I had miscarried at 10 weeks pregnant and never saw or heard a heartbeat.
But my joy soon changed to fear, as later that day I received a phone call at work from my very delirious and confused husband. I left my model home office right away to arrive at home and find Adrian walking around disoriented with a few blood traces on his face. I found more blood spots on the carpet and the small gash in his tongue...all evidence that he had endured another grand mal seizure! Two year old Adria was playing quietly with her toys in the other room and seemed oblivious to what happened. It had been about four months since his last seizure, so there was no indication why another had occurred.
Later that night, Adrian's shoulder was in incredible pain (which often occurs as a result of the convulsions) but he seemed stable. It was late, so I decided to quickly run out to the pharmacy to get him some pain meds. I left Adria at home watching a movie, since I wasn't going to be gone long. In hindsight, that wasn't my best idea, but I had no reason to think anything else would happen. Adrian's seizures had really only come months apart from each other thus far.
To my great dismay, I returned home to find my husband floundering around the kitchen with more blood streaks on his face and a distant look in his eyes...and our precious little girl stood in her walker at the edge of the kitchen crying and afraid. It was a terrible moment!
I quickly helped Adrian find a seat, then held little Adria close to comfort her. Of course, she and I cried together for a little while. Later, as I changed her diaper, Adria actually told me, "Daddy fell on the countertop. It was scary!"
Her comprehension and ability to share what happened amazed me, since she was just 2.5 years old. But it really worried me as well that she had to see it.
Since this was the first time Adrian had experienced back to back seizures and the pain he felt was so intense, I took him to the local ER in Indianapolis, Indiana (where we lived at the time). It was almost midnight when we arrived. They did a CT scan on him, which came back normal... And pumped him full of strong pain meds so he could rest.
Adria could not walk on her own at the time, so she just rested in the stroller until Daddy was discharged around 4 a.m. I was exhausted as I took my husband and daughter home in the wee morning hours...wondering what we should do.
The neurologist later suspected that Adrian had the seizures because he was on a generic brand seizure medication and made sure that he be put on Dilantin.
Thankfully, my parents were already planning to fly in from DE and visit us at our Indiana home, so they were able to help care for Adria the following week as I returned to work. We enjoyed their visit and went on several outings, including a visit to downtown and the Indy 500 Motor Speedway, but Adrian was definitely not himself and still recovering.
The drama of the seizures was lessened by our little Adria's progress using a walker and becoming more independent. She even got to do an Easter egg hunt on her own with Grandma being clever to strap the basket to her walker. And when the grandparents left, Adria asked to fly with them...she loved the airport.
Two year old Adria enjoying her first independent Easter egg hunt with her walker, just days after Daddy's seizure. |
My parents and brother Aaron visiting us in Indianapolis that week. |
Our little family moving on from the drama of a few days earlier with a visit to White River Gardens. |
So I look at how different our lives are on April 19, 2015 compared to April 19, 2011. Instead of just finding out we're expecting another baby, we are now just two weeks from the expected arrival of Baby Boy Seely. Adria's not learning to walk, she's running around doing her best to keep up with other kids on a soccer field as she tries out organized sports! Adrian has remained mostly healthy for two years, still with lingering side effects from the seizures but nothing like what he used to have. And we're back to being a few minutes drive from our parents, instead of a 12 hour drive. It's life. Don't get too comfortable, cause you never know what might happen.
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Adria (far right) poses with her soccer team on Sunday, April 19, 2015 as part of her first ever organized sports experience. |