Monday, December 23, 2013

Our First Christmas Letter

Before I began this blog, the only literature you would have read about our lives came in the form of our annual Christmas letter. I started writing them the year after we got married, and I think I've sent one out about every year since with our Christmas card. You may never read them, but I enjoy the annual updates and photos from people when I get them in the mail.

I just discovered that I still have all of these letters on my computer. So guess what? You can read them all. It'll be a little snippet of our last decade. Keep in mind, I do try to keep an upbeat tone in these, no matter what REALLY went down that year.

Here is our First Christmas Letter - December 2004

One year down, 99 to go (or something close). Yes, November 22 marked our first year of wedded bliss…and blissful it has been. We will spare you too many of the details but thought you might be interested to know just a few. It’s been an eventful year with a new job, home, and family members.

First and foremost, it is no longer just the two of us. Our young son joined us in January, and he is simply the most adorable pup you will ever see. We’re not kidding. Our little Jack Russell’s name is Max, and we only hope that our children will be as cute and obedient.

We’re also proud to be Aunt and Uncle again, as Adrian’s brother and sister-in-law gave birth to their second beautiful daughter in August. We hope to follow in their footsteps one day, but we’re very patient about that.

In March, Julles was blessed to land a job that utilized many of the skills she gained during college. Though she never anticipated working in the construction industry, she is now happily employed as a Marketing Coordinator for Nason Construction, Inc. in Wilmington.

We still lived in good ‘ole Greenwood for a while, but the long commute encouraged us to pack our bags and move an hour north in August. We rather enjoy our third-story apartment in Bear, Del.

Adrian still owns his own business, APQ Painting, but now has the longer commute. For most of the past year, he’s been acting as assistant superintendent as well as painter for a townhouse project in Easton, Md.

That’s probably enough details for now, as we know you need to get back to baking or wrapping gifts or other holiday preparations. We truly hope that all is well with you and that you have a blessed Christmas!


Adrian, Julles and Max  


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